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NPU Leaders Led Teams to China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an for Research and Exchange

时间:2021-04-15 浏览量:

On April 14, Chen Jianyou,the deputysecretary of the UniversityPartyCommittee, led a team to China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an(CELAY)andcarried out research and exchangesaboutthe renewal of the agreement on jointly buildingSchool of Marxism andCPChistoryeducation.Those inSchool of Marxism,CPCPublicity Department, school officesand other relevant responsible comrades participated in the survey together.

Before the meeting, Li Guoxi,theexecutive vice president ofCELAY, met with Chen Jianyu and his delegation.

Zhao Yaohong,thevice president ofCELAY, Cao Kun,thedirector of the Teaching and Research Department of CELAY, Wang Dongcang,thedeputy director of the Teaching and Research Department ofCELAYand other officials oftherelevant departments attended the forum.

During theforum, the two sides had in-depth and extensive discussionsaboutthe renewal of the agreement on jointly buildingSchool of Marxism andCPChistory education activities, and reached consensus on the follow-up strengthening of specific cooperation and mutual assistance.

Article/Photo: Du Yao, School of Marxism

Review: Wu Wenchuan

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