On March 27, 2021, the First National Innovative Marxism Forum was held in Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). Theforum wasco-hosted by Chinese Society of Political Economy, Research Center for Economic and Social Development of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Department of Disciplines Construction of NPU and School of Marxism of NPU.More than 150 scholars fromover70 universities and research institutes at home and abroad, as well as several academic journals and publishing units such as“Journal of Management”,“Journal of Hebei University of Economics and Trade”,“Contemporary Economic Research”,“Journal of Chongqing University of Technology”and so on attended theforum.

Wu Wenchuan, the secretary of the CPC Committee, School of Marxism of NPU, presided over the opening ceremony.On behalf of the hosts, Chen Jianyou, the deputy secretary of the UniversityPartyCommittee, extended a warm welcome to all the experts and scholars and delivered a speech. Cheng Enfu,thepresident of Chinese Society of Political Economy,gave a speech and a report. He explainedthe academic background of the establishment of this forum and the goal and planning of the establishment ofInnovative Marxist Research Center.
There werethree sub-forums, including “Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era”, “A CenturySincetheFounding of the Party”and“PoliticalEconomy”.And the experts and scholarspresentreported and conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions on the three themes.
The closing ceremony was presided over by Professor Yang Yunxia. First of all, Professor Cheng Enfu made a concluding speech. He proposed that an academic communityof the Innovative Marxist Forumshould be established tointroduceChinese Marxism to the world,and promote the internationalization and application of Marxism. At the closing ceremony, Professor Yang Yunxia warmly welcomed all the experts and scholars to join the team of NPU’s School of Marxism, and expressed her heartfelt thanks to the scholars who attended the forum, the organizers of the forum and all the staff for their strong support. Meanwhile, she also wished more experts and scholars to meetatTheSecond National Forum on Innovative Marxism!

Article: Ge qu/Gao Hui Yan
Photo: Lu Di/Liu Xinke
Review: Wu Wenchuan