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The “100 Years of Red Culture” High-end Academic Forum Was Held in NPU

时间:2021-06-14 浏览量:

To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the communist party of China,fullyimplementthe spirit of the 19th National Congress of CPCand the important discussion spirit of learning the history ofCPCandPRC, further deepenthe research on“red culture”,strengthen the inheritance and promotion of“red culture”,the "100 Years of Red Culture" high-end academic forum was held in Northwestern Polytechnical University(NPU)from June 11, 2021 to June 13, 2021. The conferencewas co-hosted by the School of MarxismofNPU, the editorial office of“Historiography Quarterly”, Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and“National Defense Characteristic University Red Culture Inheritance and Innovation Research Center”, the New Style Think Tank of Shaanxi Universities. More than 120 people, including experts and scholars from more than 30 universities, scientific research institutions and several academic journals such as“ModernChineseHistoryStudies”and“Historiography Quarterly”, doctoral and postgraduate students engaged inCPChistory and construction, red culture research and ideological and political education, gathered to attend theforum. Theforumconsistedof the opening ceremony, keynote speech,themespeech, sub-forum discussion and roundtable.

On the morning of June 12, Wu Wenchuan,thesecretary of the CPC Committee,School of Marxism of NPU, presided over the opening ceremony. Professor Chen Jianyou,the deputy secretary of the UniversityPartyCommittee, extended a warm welcome to all the experts and scholars on behalf of the organizer and delivered a speech. Zuo Yuhe, deputy director of the Institute of Historical Theory,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,gavea speech at the opening ceremony.

On June 13, the closing ceremony was presided over by Professor Wang Yongping. First, Zuo Yuhe, deputy director of Institute of Historical Theory, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Yang Yunxia,theprofessor and dean of School of Marxism, Northwestern Polytechnical University, presented prizes to students for their excellent papers. Representatives of the two sub-forums made group reports respectively.Theresearcherof Institute of Historical Theory,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Xu Zhiminmadea concluding speechfortheforum. Professor YangYunxia introduced Xi’an city andNPUto the participants, and warmly welcomed the experts and scholars to join the teamof NPU’s School of Marxism. Finally, she expressed her heartfelt thanks to the scholars whoattendedthe forum, the organizers of theforumand all the staff for their strong support!

Article:Zhao Haixia


Review:Wu Wenchuan

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