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The Founding Conference of Internet Law and Governance of Shaanxi Law Society & Symposium on Opportunities and Challenges of Internet Law and Governance was held in NPU

时间:2021-07-13 浏览量:

On July 10th, Internet Law and Governance of Shaanxi Law Society & Symposium on Opportunities and Challenges of Internet Law and Governance was held in the multifunctional lecture hall on the 4th floor of Zhenghe Hotel,YouyiCampus ofNorthwestern Polytechnical University(NPU). Chen Jianyou,thedeputysecretary of the PartyCommittee of NPU, and Yang Jianjun,thesecretary of the Party Group and vice president of Shaanxi Law Society,attended the conference.More than 100 experts and scholars (including online participants) attended theconference, and they werefrom northwestern Polytechnical University, East China University of Political Science and Law, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University, Northwest University of Political Science and Law, Xi 'an University of Finance and Economics, Yan’an University andover20 universities and research institutes, as well asthe Legislative Affairs Commission of Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress,the People's Courts andPeople's Procuratorateat all levels in Shaanxi Province andLaw firms.

Chen Jianyou,the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of NPU,Delivered aSpeech

Yang Jianjun, theSecretary of the Party Group andVicePresident of Shaanxi Law Society, Delivered aSpeech

Theconferencevoted to pass“TheConstitution of Internet Law and Governance of Shaanxi Law Society (Draft)”and elected the members of the council. Later, Chen Jianyou and Yang Jianjun inaugurated theresearchsociety,andthenthe inaugural meeting came to an end.

Chen Jianyouand Yang JianjunInaugurated theResearch Society

After the founding conference, the institute organized Symposium on Opportunities and Challenges of Internet Law and Governance.

Finally, in the warm applause of the participants, the inaugural meeting and the theme symposium were successfully concluded.

Article:Wang Yanchuan

Review: Wu Wenchuan

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