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The 2021 National Forum on the Basic Tenets of Marxism Successfully Was Held in NPU

时间:2021-12-05 浏览量:

On December 4, 2021, the 2021 NationalForum ontheBasicTenetsof Marxism was held in Northwestern Polytechnical University(NPU).The forum was hosted byAcademic Division of Marxist StudiesofChinese Academy of Social SciencesandAcademy of MarxismofChinese Academy of Social Sciences,Bejing Universities of SocialisttheOretical Research andlnnovation Center for Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics (China University of Political Science andLaw), and undertaken byDepartmentof Disciplines Construction,School of Marxismand Innovative Marxism ResearchInstitute of NPU.More than 300 experts and scholars fromall the Chineseuniversitiesattendedthe forum both online and offline.

At the opening ceremony, on behalf of the hosts,Chen Jianyou,the deputy secretary of the UniversityPartyCommittee, extended a warm welcome to all the experts and scholars and delivered a speech. Professor Lin Jianhua,thevice president of Academy of MarxismofChinese Academy of Social Sciences, addressed theforumandgavea report. Cheng Enfu,themember of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,thechief professor of University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,themember oftheEducation, Science, Culture and Public Health Committeeofthe National People's Congress,madea report. The theme report of the forumwas divided into four session.

The conference consistedof three sub-forums. The experts and scholars attending the meeting held in-depth exchanges and discussions on three themes:“The Application andDevelopment of the BasicTenetsof Marxism byCPCin thePastCentury”,“ASpecialStudy on theTheory of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Theory of Marxist Modernization”and“ClassicalInterpretation andCutting-edgeTheoreticalResearch on the BasicTenetsof Marxism”.

The closing ceremony was presided over by Professor Yang Yunxia,thedean of school of Marxism, Northwestern Polytechnical University. Professor Cheng Enfu made a summary speech, and he fully affirmed the achievements of the forum, believing that the speeches of the forum were of high quality, diversified themes and disciplines, with novel viewpoints and fruitful thoughts. At the closing ceremony, Professor Yang Yunxia spokehighly of the discussionintheforum, expressed heartfelt thanks to the scholars who participated in the forum, the strong support of theforumorganizers and all the staff, and warmly welcomedeveryexpert and scholarto work in the School of Marxism. At the same time,shewish all the scholars more and better research results in the future to promote the study of Marxist theory.

Article: SunShaoyong / Zhou Wei

Photo: Guo Youjun

Review: Wu Wenchuan

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